Why is it called concrete mixer?
concretemixer > 09-15-2022, 12:43 AM
The cement mixer shot is both one of the most popular shot drinks and, in some opinions, one of the most disgusting. Why it has endured is a great mystery in the bar world. The reason may have a lot to do with the reaction of those who drink it and the laugh their friends get out of watching it go down.
The drink itself does not taste bad—citrus and cream are not a poor combination. The real problem is the texture; it is named the cement mixer because it's imagined to be a lot like drinking concrete. If you have a tendency to gag on certain food textures, this shot is probably not for you. It can be a hard drink to get down and there are plenty of tastier shooters to enjoy instead.
An interesting chemical reaction takes place when you make the cement mixer. As the shot sits, the fat of the Irish cream and the acid of the lime juice slowly combine. Within seconds, a thick, lumpy slurry is created that will get thicker over time, especially when it's agitated. If you need a visual, go ahead and stir it with a straw and watch the "magic" happen. The texture is best compared to cottage cheese or (more appropriately) uncured cement. Timing is important when drinking a cement mixer; you don't want to wait too long or the mix will become too thick. Also, the more lime juice you use, the chunkier it will become.