There are many advantages to using a
concrete plant.
First of all, it allows you to save considerable time on completing your site: no need to carry out your
concrete yourself!
concrete produced in the plant is quality certified (dosage, storage of elements in suitable dry places, additives in precise quantities, etc.). Therefore, it is the assurance of solid slabs that do not sag or crack over time, unlike the risks presented by those from handcrafted manufacture.
Also, the
concrete batching plant allows you to transport a large quantity of
concrete to the site.
For small volumes, delivery by a
concrete mixer from 1 m³ is entirely possible. An additional price may nevertheless be requested due to the displacement of the almost empty router. This one can generally contain 7 to 8 m³ of
Using a
concrete batching plant, you, therefore, ensure unparalleled durability of your
concrete structure while saving time on its completion.
concrete batching plant has automated operations. A control cabinet allows the following steps to be carried out:
Weighing control
Transport of materials
Measurement of the humidity of the
Level of fluidity
For each type of
concrete, a formula is pre-established, and a program is associated. The professional, therefore, only needs to launch the program corresponding to the customer’s order: type of
concrete chosen and quantity